
Note from the Editors-in-Chief

Published: 2023-07-24

Dear readership,

We have been working hard to bring ALES to the limelight in the medical publication world and as an indispensable vector of scientific information to the medical community, and in particular our surgical colleagues.

As of June 28th 2023, we are pleased to announce that ALES has obtained its first impact factor for the 2022 citation year: 0.5 (news at

Moreover, ALES also received a 2022 CiteScore of 1 (news at

This has been a team effort, and as co-editors, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for the titanic efforts and valuable support and contributions, that have played a fundamental role in the development and advancement of ALES. This includes all the authors and co-workers, the ALES editing and administrative staff as well as the readership.

Thanks to you all, ALES now has enormous visibility in the publication world as well as on the web (

The future is bright, our stock of articles to be published is increasing nearly daily and the selection process will therefore tighten up to make sure that quality articles and information. Peer review is essential to this quality and we are particularly strongly attached to expertise and didactic excellence in the reviews as we believe that feedback from peer review not only increases the quality of the journal but is an educative tool for medical writers.


Minhua Zheng & Abe Fingerhut
Editors-in-Chief, Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery